
Hope for Ingrown Nails

A new technology is helping people with ingrown toenails relieve their suffering without having to resort to surgery. Called the B/S-brace Classic, the nail correction kit was developed in Germany as an alternative therapy concept for the gentle yet highly efficient treatment of ingrown toenails.

Holding US patents, the brace has been in use for over two decades. Made of synthetic fibre glass, it is ground with the aid of computer technology to a thickness of exactly two thousandth of a millimetre. The brace is applied to the affected toenail and gently lifts up the nail from either side of the nail bed as the nail grows. After the brace is fitted onto the nail, the usual nail polish can be applied and the brace is barely noticeable.

Available exclusively at Kuku Spa in Ipoh Garden South, I had the brace put onto one of my affected toenails. There was a slight pulling effect on the toe for the first two days after application and I had a second application two weeks later with a new brace. Lo and behold, after 4 weeks, my toenail no longer gave me pain on the side which meant that it was no longer ingrown. If this was available sooner I would not have undergone surgery for my big toe which was giving me excruciating pain at one point in my life 10 years ago.

SeeFoon Chan-Koppen

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