MICCI Perak Meets with Police Chief

The Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MICCI)’s Branch Chairman, Dato’ Lim Si Boon, some committee members as well as some members from the Joint Action Security Committee (JASCO), KL met up with the Chief Police Officer Perak, CP Dato’ Hj. Osman B. Hj. Salleh and his senior officers at his office on Wednesday, August 12.
Dato’ Hj. Osman directly tackled the issues that had been submitted earlier by the branch. On the possibility of getting the necessary assistance from the police to conduct background checks on potential employees for companies, Dato’ Hj. Osman suggested that the vetting procedures be carried out for critical positions only in view of their current manpower constraints.
The Chairman then informed the meeting that there were clusters of expatriates in certain areas in Ipoh and it would be good to see more frequent police patrols to ease the expatriates’ concern over their security. In reply Dato’ Hj. Osman stated that it would be advisable for industrial and residential areas to install better security systems to complement the efforts of the police. Zakaria from JASCO added that the setting up of an auxiliary police organisation would greatly assist in crime-prone industrial areas.
The Chairman added that it would be good to organise a security forum for the Japanese community in Ipoh which represents one of the larger group of expatriates. Another important issue highlighted, was the detrimental effects of rumours which found their way expeditiously in the social media network. Dato’ Hj. Osman advised that such rumours should not be believed in the first place but instead requested members to get onto the police facebook to verify such incidences.
SAC Goh Kok Liang, Head of Crime Investigation, then reported on the latest statistics on property and violent crimes for 2014 and 2015. On the whole the first half of 2015 reflected a general decrease in both types of crime. Also more cases were solved successfully in 2015 compared to the same period in 2014.
At the close of the meeting, Dato’ Hj. Osman suggested that future dialogue sessions like this should be held at least twice a year to foster a better rapport between the police and the MICCI as well as facilitate a better exchange of information and feedback. Both sides then extended their thanks and appreciation for a fruitful session.