Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng Chess Championship – Ipoh Leg (28 Aug 2016)

The Ipoh leg of the 7th Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng Chess Championship was held at the Quest International University Perak (QIUP) on Sunday, July 31. The annual championship is organised by the Perak State Chess Association (PCNP) with sponsorship from Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad.
This year, the series of tournaments were previously held in Sungai Siput, Bagan Serai, Kampar and Tapah respectively.
A total of 132 players mostly from Perak, Penang, Selangor and one from as far as the Philippines participated. The seven-round competition started in the morning and ended in the evening. Abu Bakar Martin acted as the chief arbiter.
The winners are:
Best Perak player: Muhd Abu Bakar Ahmad (Taiping)
Also present were Chan Swee Loon, president of PCNP, Dr Yee Meng Kheong, advisor of PCNP, Nicholas Goh, the chief operating officer of QIUP and Associated Professor Chandraseagran Suppiah, also from the university.
The 6th Leg Final will be held on Sunday, August 28 at the Syeun Hotel. The entry form and a copy of pay-in-slip MUST be faxed to 05 547 5033 (office hours) or email to caturperak@hotmail.com not later than Thursday, August 25. The organiser reserves the right to limit the number of entries to the first 200. Pay to Persatuan Catur Negeri Perak (Maybank Account No: 5-08177-68448-3). Direct submission of entry form with cash payment to Yunus 010 221 8129. Webpage: http://perakchess.blogspot.com/.
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