Futsal Court UTC for Public Use?

Regular customers and visitors of Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) Ipoh must have noticed the futsal court located in the middle of the building. While it may seem odd to have one, it is a great effort to encourage the youth and sports enthusiasts to come and use the court.
“The futsal court in UTC is made for the public. However, they will need to book first at Ipoh City Council’s (MBI) Community Affairs Department located at Level 8, Wisma Bougainvillea at Jalan Foo Choo Choon.”
Since the gate to the court is unlocked, is it still necessary to book the court if no one is using it first hand? It does raise an issue as to why the booking office is located outside the UTC building and why isn’t there any information board to inform the public?
Perhaps it is time for MBI to station an officer nearby to monitor and promote the court. For such a strategic court, it would be a shame if the public do not know that it is built for them.
Ili Aqilah