A group of volunteers from the “The World Race Organization” based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, visited the Dementia Daycare Centre in November, spending valuable quality time with the seniors; entertaining them with singing, dancing and other therapeutic activities.
The group in pursuit of adventure and self-maturity, comprised of eight volunteers of both genders aged from 21 to 30 years. The leader of the group, Mr Caleb Estrada confirmed that their mission was to understand different cultures and customs and at the same time to share God’s love by serving others in need.
Some of them are professionals while others are waiting to enter universities. They raise their own funds for these travels, visiting 11 countries, one country a month for a year. They have so far visited Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Cotedivoire (Ivory Coast), Ghana, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Cambodia, Thailand and finally in Malaysia now.
Dementia describes any condition that causes deterioration of a variety of brain functions such as memory, thinking, recognition, etc. The Dementia Daycare Centre offers mind stimulating therapeutic activities on weekdays for clients.
Sr Ramayee Sinnasamy