SUKMA XIX Series: Part 1

In conjunction with the upcoming Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA) scheduled for September this year, Ipoh Echo spoke to Hj Musa Dun, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SUKMA XIX. The discussion was held at the Games Secretariat office located at the State Secretary of Perak Incorporated (SSI) at Menara SSI Soho 2, Jalan Sultan Idris Shah, 30000 Ipoh. The objective was to get the latest update regarding the biennial games.
This is the second time Perak is playing host, the first was SUKMA V in 1994. In order to make it the best ever games, prior preparations become a necessity. And the person entrusted with the responsibility is none other than Hj Musa Dun. Besides venues and scheduling of the Games Musa is also responsible for other related matters like logistics, accommodation, messing, transportation, medical and the works.
Ipoh Echo: How long did you and your team prepare for the upcoming SUKMA?
Musa Dun: SUKMA XIX Secretariat was established on December 1, 2016. I was appointed CEO by the state government. I am being assisted by 30 officers from various state departments. The primary function of the Secretariat is to lead, manage and oversee the progress of SUKMA XIX for one year and 10 months, that is till the end of the Games on September 12, 2018.
Ipoh Echo: Will special merchandise be made for SUKMA XIX? If so, where can fans purchase them?
Musa Dun: The state government has appointed a company to produce, distribute and sell the various merchandise. They will be available for purchase by the public at all games venues and at our offices in all districts in Perak.
Ipoh Echo: Will SUKMA XIX be available for online streaming?
Musa Dun: The public can keep themselves updated on SUKMA XIX via our official website at or through our Facebook at, Instagram at, Twitter at They can also visit our official channel on Youtube: SUKMA Perak 2018.
Ipoh Echo: In your opinion, what are the Games’ must-watch sports?
Musa Dun: There will be 29 sporting categories; 16 compulsory categories and 13 optionals. The 16 compulsory sports are aquatic, badminton, cycling, football, gymnastic, hockey, karate, lawn bowls, archery, shooting, athletics, squash, silat, tenpin bowling, wushu and sailing.
The 13 optional categories are; handball, netball, basketball, golf, judo, cricket, Muay Thai, pentaquine, rugby, boxing, weight-lifting, Sepak Takraw and taekwondo.
Out of all these, athletics, gymnastic, aquatic, shooting and football are among the must-watch sports with the public. We believe there will be many record-breaking feats during the Games. I hope Perak will continue with its stellar performance in football, as they were the gold medal winners in 2014 in Perlis and 2016 in Sarawak.
Ipoh Echo: Will the new state government affect the way SUKMA is organised and run?
Musa Dun: After the 14th General Election May 9, the Games Secretariat is operating as usual without any hitches. The Secretariat is giving its fullest support to the newly-elected state government. I believe the new Executive Councillor for Youth, Sports and Human Capital Development, Howard Lee, is fully committed to making Perak not only the best but the perfect host for the upcoming Games.
Ili Aqilah