Other than the physical therapy services, there are also dedicated provisions for Special Needs kids. These include a day-care centre that offers either full or half-day care and supplementary therapies such as sensory stimulation therapy which is an effective modality used to stimulate the senses in either a dark room (for hyperactive kids) or a white room (for hypoactive kids). Fun fact: The rooms were installed by a scout group from Ireland back in 2008!
Alternatively, a playroom installed with desktop computers and an Xbox360 is also in service to provide entertainment and training for attention-span. There is also an outdoor “sensory garden” – a botanical area complete with many different types of plants and vegetation designed to stimulate senses as well.
Unlike other rehabilitation centres, this resort-like landmark is fully furnished and air-conditioned. Although they thrive only on simple donations, they give other physiotherapy clinics a run for their money by providing high-quality services at a rate that is reasonable and economical. Ample parking spaces and transportation services are available as well.
“Anyone with fractures to post-operation to other injuries can come for therapy,” said CEO cum Specialist Orthopaedic Consultant Dato’ Dr Ramanathan Ramiah, “We are open to the public and all are welcome’. Contact Yayasan Sultan Idris Shah at 05 548 1905, 548 6750, 548 4115.
Effective this January, their therapy services are available full day every Saturday from 8am to 5pm.