KLK Receives Highest Sustainability Rating

Gold rated in all ESG components
Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) has been awarded the Gold Sustainability Rating in an evaluation done by RAM Consultancy Services Sdn Bhd (RAMC), reflecting KLK’s outstanding sustainability performance and its positive impact attributes. KLK attained a score of 4.59 points out of a possible 5, with all rating components also rated Gold.
The Gold Sustainability Rating of KLK was accorded based on its robust sustainability governance structure and the establishment of an overarching Sustainability Policy that is aligned to the Principles and Criteria of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). The rating is further supported by the Group’s aspirations toward constant improvement in its sustainability practices within human resources as well as the implementation of biogas plants and filter belt press systems to reduce the negative impacts of methane gas emitted from palm oil mill effluent.
“For us in KLK, sustainability is an ongoing journey where we always strive to maximise positive impact from our operations. With this holistic report, we would be able to identify opportunities and potential risks; thereafter improve on specific areas to continue creating long-term stakeholders value and ensure continuity of business,” commented Mr Sin Chuan Eng, Head of Sustainability (Plantations) of KLK.
KLK has also recently won the National Energy Awards under the Renewable Energy category for utilizing biogas power plant to supply to the national grid. Other significant milestones include achieving 100% certification of its oil palm plantations and mills under Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) standards and completed a study on the application of Filter Belt Press System and its relation to potential GHG reduction. Visit www.klk.com.my for the latest news and updates.
RAMC recognises sustainable companies and assesses sustainable development within the corporate sector. RAMC provides a holistic system for assessing the sustainability performance of companies across their value chain and has evaluated various companies in diverse industries. The sustainability rating team consists of analysts who are dedicated to providing in-depth research, analysis and benchmarking of the sustainability performance of companies. Companies using RAMC include Sunway Berhad, AMMB Holdings Berhad and Cenviro Sdn Bhd.
For a full report from RAMC on KLK, please refer to https://www.klk.com.my/corporate-sustainability/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Sustainability-Rating-KLK-21Feb2019.pdf