Letter: Instil Good Values at a Tender Age

In a growing global challenging and competitive world, there shouldn’t be a deficit deposit of young leaders. It is high time for the nation to build a strong team of young leaders to be pillars who are going to shape the future society both politically, socially and economically.

What determines success is the adoption of good values by someone or a race until it becomes a way of life for a race. By instilling good values at a tender age they will practise it and make it in their way of life. It will be absorbed as part and parcel of life.

Good values system will mould future leaders with strong personalities in the aspect of integrity inclusive excellence, volunteerism, responsibility, competitiveness and community spirit.

A meritocratic culture must be taught at an early stage.

The shaping of the mindsets and in the calculation of values among the youths must be nurtured and guided towards all strata of society at the right age.

Today’s youth generation is addicted to the internet and social media. Parental caring and societies guidance is very essential in youth building. If a proper path is paved and directed I am sure Malaysia will have a first-class mentality population in the near future.

Values are standards or ideals with which we evaluate actions, people and things. Honesty, justice, peace, generosity, loyalty, integrity, respect, responsibility, leadership, caring, commitment, compassion, cooperation, dedication and appreciation are the core values.

In order to achieve the above noble acts of character building, school and home environment must be conducive and parents and societies must be an exemplary role model.

R. James Ratnam

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