Ultimate Frisbee Tournament
Fifteen teams took part in the Perak Ultimate Frisbee Inter-School Tournament 2019, held on July 20 at IPG Ulu Kinta. Team A of ACS Ipoh came out champion for the male category. MGS Ipoh won the championship in the female category. Best Spirited Awards went to ACS Ipoh Team B (Male) and Ave Maria Bees (Female).
Mark Lai (Westlake International School) and Kam Kar Wen (ACS Ipoh) were voted Best Player for the male and female categories, respectively. All teams played extremely hard and some even to the point of over-exhaustion.
Champion ACS Ipoh, Team A
This tournament was organised by the Ipoh Bug Ultimate Frisbee Group as an annual event to promote this new game to the community and set up a platform for secondary schools to send teams to compete. It was a tight and great competition as two teams both male and female categories met in the final competed in Group’s audition.