Kinder Labz held their first annual concert and graduation ceremony at Dewan Chin Woo on October 12, with their performances drawing inspiration from Enid Blyton’s popular children’s novel, ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’.
“Just as excited as the children are, we the Queen Bees are both very excited as well and today children are going to showcase what they have been practising very hard at in the past two months. They are going to put up a very good show today which I’m sure you are going to enjoy,” said Mrs Puvanes, Head of Academics at Kinder Labz, prior to the concert.
The curtain-raiser was a choir and percussion performance from the 6-year-olds. About 101 youngsters between three and six years old then took to the stage and brought the audience on a journey to experience the many magical lands as told in the popular novel, while adding a few local and modern touches to it.
Parents Azmin and Aisyah who were present at the concert said, “Congratulations! It’s a wonderful feeling watching small kids performing and thanks to all the teachers and school staff for extracting the best of their potential. Once again congratulations for the grand success.”
As part of the programme, the 6-year-olds, 34 of them in total, were in their robes and mortarboards as they received their certificates on this day, being the first group of buzzing students to graduate from Kinder Labz.
Class teacher Viloshyini said: “It’s hard to say farewell to our Pre-K students graduating from Kinder Labz. While it’s not necessarily goodbye forever, it’s always an emotional time for us teachers and staff. It has been an amazing year watching each and every one of them grow. The year has come and gone so quickly. It has been a joy and pleasure teaching all of them this year”.