The Stop Violence Against Women (PKTW) campaign which started on November 25 lasting till December 10, boosts the theme ‘Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!’.
According to the chief of State Social and Welfare Development (PKSN), VN Pathma Devi, the 16-day activism in countering gender-based violence is a step of advocacy to the general public in Perak.
“Wearing orange face masks, which is the campaign’s theme colour, is a sign of solidarity and togetherness in the effort to stop violence against women,” she told Ipoh Echo when interviewed via social media today (November 28).
“Violence against women and children is one of the widest and most continuous offence committed which goes against basic human rights, where some cases do not obtain the necessary defenses.
“Women who are prone to be victims of violence are those from minority and indigenous groups, immigrants, poor and sequestered from development, incarcerated women, disabled, elderly and girls,” Pathma mentioned.
She added that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has worsened issues of violence among the global society, Malaysians included.
“The surge of cases involving violence against women has become much more worrisome ever since the implementation of the Movement Control Order in late March this year.
“According to a statistics by PDRM, there were 4,963 cases involving sexual abuse against women between January to November last year.
“Domestic violence doesn’t only involve a group of individuals, but it’ll also disrupt the well-being of surrounding communities.
“Should there be any cases of abuse, we’re always ready to help in fighting crimes like this. The public may report any abuse-related cases to the Rotary Club at 012 506 1974 or Malaysia Hindu Sangam at 05 241 5859,” Pathma urged.
Rosli Mansor
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