The manufacturing industry is expected to recover by seven percent this year, following continual increment of domestic and export-orientated businesses.
According to the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions), Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, exported goods from Malaysia increased by 0.2 percent up to RM91.1 billion in 2020. The increment was due to exportation of rubber hand gloves at around RM2.9 billion (equivalent to 183.8 percent).
“Around 65 percent of medical hand gloves production are from Malaysia. Exportation of hand gloves contributed to around 55.1 percent of total Malaysian export in October 2020 compared to only 49.1 percent in 2019, as the demand for rubber hand gloves increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
“Looking at the statistics, it has surely given a positive impact towards AT Systematization Bhd (AT) in leading the hand glove production sector,” he said in his speech during an opening launch ceremony of AT Systematization Bhd (AT) in Chemor recently.
“The management has allocated around RM120 million to construct 13 facilities and buildings to operate production of hand gloves.
“The manufacturing plant was built ‘future-ready’, complete with an Industry 4.0 ecosystem. Based on our specialization in automation and industrial machines, it’ll surely help in effectively increasing hand gloves businesses,” he enthused.
Choong added that AT has recently signed an agreement with LKL Advance Metaltech Sdn Bhd and KSTAR Healthcare Sdn Bhd for the distribution of medical hand gloves.
“We’re confident that the strategic collaboration will improve the company’s effort to be the main manufacturer of hand gloves in the country. We’ll also expand this industry to build a second factory as wide as 18 acres with RM10.5 million in the nearest timeframe,” he mentioned.
Rosli Mansor
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