The limestone plant at Batu 3 Temoh in Tapah which saw a work accident that injured three of its workers yesterday will be held liable to legal actions under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, should the company be found under negligence of work safety procedures.
According to the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (JKKP) Perak director Ir. Zamzurin Maarof, an investigation team went to the site of the incident yesterday evening.
“Investigations have shown that the boiler, a thermal oil heater kind, was in the midst of a start-up process to operate when it exploded.
“The explosion damaged the cover and a part of the furnace and also forcibly unplugged a burner from its installed location.
“JKKP has ordered for an immediate stop of any maintenance activities until further investigations are carried out and refinements are done by employers,” he said in a statement dated today (May 18).
“The department views any incidents involving the safety of employees and the public seriously.
“Employers are responsible in the identification and analysis of any possible dangers in a workplace, and thus, should devise an effective risk control plan before employees commence their work responsibilities.
“Incidents like this could have been prevented if employers implemented guidelines based on the Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) procedure,” he expressed.
For further reading, refer to this article by Ipoh Echo.
Chris Teh
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