By Mei Kuan
The following is the list of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the Hulu Kinta subdistrict (mukim) covering Ipoh, Lahat, Chemor and Tanjung Rambutan which is placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) effective 12.01am of May 22 till 11.59pm of June 4.
This list is sourced from the Facebook page of the State National Security Council as updated on May 20. The police is in charge of implementing control on areas with local transmissions, with help from the Malaysia Armed Forces (ATM), Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM) and The People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA).
- All residents at the involved area are not permitted to leave their respective houses, with an exception provided for only one representative from each house to purchase necessities at grocery shops within the EMCO area.
- Public transport services (train, bus, taxi, e-hailing etc) are permitted to operate from 6am till 10pm only.
- No unnecessary movement out of the residential area after 10pm except for cases of emergency or with police permission.
- Any individual placed under the Home Surveillance Order (HSO) is not permitted to leave the house.
- Only the sector of essential services is permitted to operate from 6am till 8pm.
- Permission to work is granted for essential services only or those carrying out government official duties with validation letters from employers or valid worker passes.
- Any individual living within the EMCO area and with duties in essential services only outside of the EMCO area must first undergo health screening at the nearest health clinic.
- Residents, other than those in essential services, are not permitted to leave the EMCO area and are not permitted to work throughout the EMCO period. Employers must obey the rule and allow employees to go on leave or work from home.
- Restaurants, food shops, food stalls, food trucks, roadside vendors, mobile hawkers, food courts, hawker centres and food kiosks are allowed to operate between 6am till 8pm.
- The purchase of food is permitted via takeaway, drive through or delivery only. Dine-ins are not allowed.
- Grocery shops, convenience stores and shops selling daily necessities are allowed to operate from 6am till 8pm.
- Hospitals, clinics and medical labs are allowed to operate up to 24 hours or in accordance with licence.
- Pharmacies, drugstores, veterinary clinics and pet food shops are allowed to operate between 6am till 8pm.
- Petrol stations are allowed to operate from 6am till 8pm.
- Public markets (pasar awam) and wholesale markets (pasar borong) are allowed to operate from 6am till 2pm only.
- Daily markets (pasar harian), farmers’ markets (pasar tani), night markets (pasar malam), late-night bazaars (bazar larut malam) are not allowed to operate.
- For cases of emergency such as illness or death, residents are allowed to leave the zone with police approval. Consideration would be provided by the police or Ministry of Health based on a case-to-case basis.
- All educational institutions to close during the EMCO.
- Activities of the Islamic religion subject to the state religious authorities.
- Activities of non-Islamic houses of worship subject to the Ministry of National Unity.
- Any form of sport, social, recreational and cultural activities is not permitted.
- Food supply aid by outsiders such as NGOs/companies/individuals to those in need during the EMCO period to be handled and distributed by the Kinta District Disaster Management Committee (JPBD) via coordination under the Kinta District Disaster Operations Control Centre (PKOB).
- Childcare centres and kindergartens are allowed to operate following the set SOPs by the relevant Ministry or Agency. Parents or guardians sending children to childcare centres are allowed to use vehicles with the number of children passengers following vehicle capacity.
- Day care centres or rehabilitation centres for the differently-abled (OKU), elderly and others are allowed to operate.
Among the essential services given permission to operate with strict adherence to SOPs are:
- Banking and finance
- Water, electrical and energy
- Port and airport
- Post and courier
- Fuel and lubricant
- Healthcare
- Security and defence
- Food preparation, items of daily necessities including hardware
- Veterinary and animal food
- Broadcasting, information and telecommunication (telco)
- Solid waste management and sewage
- E-commerce
- Automotive repair and spare parts
- Public transport including e-hailing
- Food, beverage and parcel delivery (parcel-hailing)
- Critical repairs, maintenance and construction works
- Fishery, farming, agriculture, livestock and all sectors related to the food chain
- Legal and judiciary
Negative list – list of activities which are not permitted:
- Activities at night clubs or pubs, cinemas, karaoke and busking are not permitted.
- All sports and recreational activities are not permitted. Public parks to close.
- All tourism activities into, out of and within the EMCO area are not permitted.
- All official and non-official ceremonies by governmental or private parties, or any form of social reception are not permitted.
- Any form of seminar, course, training, class, educational activity or face-to-face learning is not permitted.
- Any activities which may result in many people present at a spot to the point of making physical distancing difficult.