National Recovery Plan, an Exit Strategy from the Pandemic

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin via his televised address on June 15 introduced the four-phase National Recovery Plan.
The nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented since June has seen a gradual decline in COVID-19 cases. Muhyiddin said that as of now, more than 50 percent of the elderly population has received their first dose and the increasing pace of the vaccination process allows the country to slowly move out of this crisis.
“The recovery plan is based on data and science to enable us to return to normalcy,” he said.
Phase 1 of the recovery plan is currently ongoing, while Phase 2 will begin after at least 10 percent of the population has received two doses of vaccination and daily COVID-19 cases drop to below 4,000. More economic sectors will be permitted to operate in stages and 80 percent of employee capacity at the workplace is allowed in phase two. However, interstate travel and social activities are still prohibited.
“Only economic sectors in the positives list will be allowed to operate while the rest have to remain closed. More sectors such as the manufacturing industry will be added to the list in phase two. However, textile manufacturing and furniture shops are not allowed to operate,” Muhyiddin mentioned.
Phase 3 will begin when daily cases drop to below 2,000 and public healthcare is at a comfortable capacity with decreased usage of ICU beds. Economic activities will be allowed to open in stages except for activities that pose high risks of COVID-19 infections such as those involving mass gathering in events, spas and pubs. All manufacturing activities will be permitted to operate subject to strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
The last phase of the National Recovery Plan sees the opening of all economic sectors including interstate travel and domestic tourism when the country’s daily infection cases drop to below 500 and 60 percent of the population has received two doses of vaccines.
“Based on the speed of the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK), the move to phase 4 is expected to happen at the end of October this year. With proper planning and support from everyone, we can be free from this crisis,” he said.
Gisele Soo
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