Want to experience what it is like to be in a dredge but the pandemic is paralysing our plans?
No problem! Now everyone has an opportunity to explore the exciting activity via a virtual tour of the Tanjung Tualang Tin Dredge No. 5 or TT5 for free. This initiative is a result of a collaboration with Lokalocal, a company that provides virtual tourism experience.
Through the link lokalocal.com/vr/tt5perak, visitors can browse the website with a smartphone or laptop and virtually explore the national heritage dredge in Tanjung Tualang.
To add to the thrill, one can also use a VR Box. However, one does not necessarily need the VR headset, because the virtual experience itself is already stimulating.
What’s even more interesting, the virtual tour also features an actual tour guide sharing the highlights of the dredge, accessible every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 10am till 3pm.
In addition, users can access the virtual tour any time, especially for individuals who are in the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) zones.
Moreover, visitors will get a chance to receive a 20 percent discount on tickets to TT5 as well as redeem souvenirs when it resumes operation.
Manager of Amanjaya TT5 Sdn Bhd, Shahrin Zainon said that the idea of this virtual tour is a new approach for the public to have a closer look at the national heritage dredge as the current pandemic is limiting everyone’s movement.
He added that despite it being just a virtual experience, users will be able to feel its uniqueness as if they are at the TT5. “They will get a taste of the real experience and understand how mining operations work, as well as enjoy the atmosphere, especially of the surrounding scenery.
“Every detail of the dredge has a history which has to be shared by the tour guide to the visitors. To begin with, we have set specific visiting times together with a trained tour guide from TT5,” he said.
Shahrin explained that the recorded pictures and ambience on the website are as real as being in TT5. “We hope the public, especially the younger generation all over Malaysia, will take the opportunity to visit and explore history via this virtual tour,” he said.
If the virtual tour receives a good response, TT5 will increase the slots.
Rosli Mansor
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