
Over 11 Million Vaccine Doses Administered

10.5 Percent of the Population Completed Two Doses

The National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme (PICK) continues to record high numbers of daily vaccine administration with a rate surpassing the 300,000 doses per day mark, for the sixth consecutive day.

This comes after a total of 324,745 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered as of midnight yesterday. Out of the total, 213,971 were first doses and 110,774 were second doses.

The most vaccine administration for two doses yesterday was recorded in Sarawak at 35,179 doses while Selangor recorded the most first dose administration with 61,945.

Over the past six days since July 5, more than two million doses including both first and second injections have been given to the people. 

Overall, more than 11 million doses of vaccine have been administered since the implementation of PICK in late February.

The figure of over 11 million, or more precisely 11.075 million, comprises 7.649 million for the first injection or 23.4 percent of the population. Health Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Adham Baba said that to date, 3.426 million second doses have been administered, equivalent to 10.5 percent of the total population.

At the same time, the country has achieved one of the three threshold value indicators to transition to the next phase of the National Recovery Plan (NRP), which is when over 10 percent of the population has received two doses of vaccine.

Dr Adham mentioned that Selangor is the state with the highest first dose of COVID-19 vaccine recipients at 1.446 million individuals or 22.1 percent of the population.

In addition, Selangor is also the state to record the highest vaccine recipients, which involves a total of 1.932 million individuals.

He added, it is followed by 1.369 million in Kuala Lumpur, 1.363 million in Sarawak, 539,058 in Johor and 471,393 in Perak for the first dose of vaccine administered. 


Rosli Mansor


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