Maintaining environmental sustainability requires collective effort in order to preserve a stable ecosystem especially in this era of globalisation.
As a step towards the wellbeing of all, Menteri Besar Incorporated (MB Inc Perak), via its corporate social responsibility (CSR), has allocated a total of RM1.2 million to carry out the Eco-Schools programme.
CEO of MB Inc, Anuar Zainal Abidin explained that students’ involvement in the programme will instil in them early awareness on the importance of environmental sustainability.

“The programme is part of the three main cores of MB Inc’s CSR which focuses on social, education and environment. It is currently being implemented in phases involving Sekolah Kebangsaan (national schools), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT), sekolah Orang Asli and Sekolah Menengah (secondary schools).
“From 2021 till 2022, a total of 20 schools have been selected for the Eco-Schools Fast Track programme. Meanwhile, 30 more schools will be involved for three years till 2023. We targeted the involvement of 50 schools comprising 31 primary schools and 19 secondary schools by 2023.
“The Eco-Schools programme is in line with Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah’s vision to see people from all walks of life collectively bearing the responsibility of greening the state. It is also parallel with the efforts of the State Government and Menteri Besar of Perak, Dato’ Saarani Mohamad on environmental sustainability via the state government’s Bumi Lestari Campaign,” he said in a statement.
The Eco-Schools programme is an initiative of MB Inc in collaboration with Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) and the State Education Department (JPN) to ensure the success of its goals.
Quoting from a statement of the Deputy Director of Education of Student Development Sector, Aznan Alias, the programme can produce all-rounded students following current developments.

“Through the Eco-Schools, students are exposed to the 3K elements which are kebersihan (cleanliness), kesihatan (health) and keselamatan (safety) as well as the 3R, namely Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The elements of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are also highlighted.
“The young generation should always be exposed to the importance of environmental values as they are the next generation,” he stressed.

Rosli Mansor