A total of three units of adjustable beds with mattresses and pillows were presented to the management of Selama Hospital for the COVID-19 patients there yesterday (September 13).
Executive Councillor for Health, Science and Environment, Mohd. Akmal Kamaruddin said the beds were contributed by several non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including the Ibnu Sina Medical Charity Organization (Papisma) of Malaysia in Perak.
According to him, his party is very grateful and appreciates the efforts of NGOs in helping to fight COVID-19 in the state.
“From a fundraiser launched by the NGO which lasted until August 31, we have collected more than RM10,000.
“A total of three units of Mechanical Hi-Lo Hospital Beds were presented by Papisma Perak to Selama Hospital,” he said via a post on his Facebook page.
The beds will be placed in the ward of COVID-19 patients who require intensive care.
Rosli Mansor
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