Perak Community Specialist Hospital (PCSH) kick-started its National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme for Children (PICKids) today, February 25.
The vaccination centre (PPV) was initiated to assist the Government’s efforts to provide free vaccination for children aged 5 years to 11 years old who have registered under MySejahtera and will be operating every day from 9:00am till 4:00pm. The registration of recipients and their respective vaccination dates are determined by the Ministry of Health (MOH) via MySejahtera or vaksincovid.gov.my. Members of the public are advised not to visit the PPV without prior appointment and walk-ins will not be accepted.
PCSH was the first private hospital to be appointed as a PPV in Ipoh on May 31, 2021, followed by its second Vaccination Centre, the “Mega PPV” administrating COVID-19 vaccinations under the National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme with Meru Valley Resort on the August 21 of the same year.
PCSH has vaccinated approximately 40,500 people from May 31 till December 31 last year, while the Mega PPV at Meru Valley Resort has vaccinated a total of 37,200 from August 2 till October 27. The number, though may not be huge, is a testament of PCSH’s support in increasing the national vaccination rate and expediting the vaccination program.
Nicholas Chan, Chief Executive Officer of PCSH, said, “The day most parents and guardians have long been waiting for is here! Kids from 5 to 11 years old can now get their COVID-19 vaccination, and PCSH is pulling out all the stops to make it a pleasant, fun and safe experience for children! We are committed to ensuring that our community achieves the program’s objectives in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. All staff will have the required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and will follow the necessary protocols including social distancing and adhering to the Ministry’s requirements.”
Mr Nicholas Chan added that as a healthcare provider, PCSH has always looked forward to helping in the nation’s efforts in curbing COVID-19. PCSH is proud to assist in the COVID-19 Immunisation Program, consistent with its mission as a non-profit hospital, providing affordable yet quality healthcare to the community.