The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the way of life we knew. Many businesses struggled to stay afloat. Some survived while some went under. Many individuals were left jobless while some did not even have enough to put food on the table. Not a day goes by where I do not empathise and sympathise with those affected.
However, Malaysians banded together for each other in the true spirit of unity and family during those trying times. We showed each other the true meaning of being a Malaysian Family. Now as we edge closer to normalcy with the opening of more economic sectors and the relaxation of certain rules, let us employ our togetherness to help struggling local businesses get back on their feet.
This means supporting them in our own humble ways. An example would be supporting the local arts scene. Personally, I enjoyed going to stage plays in the days before the pandemic. There was so much talent amongst our locals. It did not matter if it was a student production or a professional paid event, I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one I attended.
Some of our local up-and-coming artists struggled even during pre-pandemic days and one can only imagine their struggles during the pandemic. Now, I write this to urge everyone to support the local arts scene from the bottom of your heart.
There is no doubt they, like all other businesses and companies, took their trade online. However, I believe stars of screen and stage belong physically on stage. Physical performances are now being allowed by the authorities. So, I humbly ask all to lend your support to the local arts scene. Let us all be defenders and guardians of the arts in our own right.
This means among others going for theatre shows, stage plays, orchestras, and open mic sessions and even supporting our talented buskers. These developing artists might just fade away into the sunset without our help.
Undoubtedly, we are still at war with the virus and we still need to adhere to the standard operating procedures. There is no excuse whatsoever for us to lower our guard in the battle against the virus. Yes, I also agree that there is a fine line between lives and livelihoods.
We just need to make the best of the current situation and stay united as a true Malaysian Family for it is this very notion that will ensure our triumph in this fight.
Yeap Ming Liong