Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that the country will enter the endemic phase fully beginning April 1.
In a special media conference yesterday, he explained that this phase is temporary, before the nation transitions to the next phase after an announcement by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
According to him, the announcement was made as a strategy to enable Malaysians to live normal lives after two years of fighting COVID-19.
“Food shops which were previously permitted to operate until 12 midnight are now allowed to open for 24 hours.
“Owners can operate for 24 hours following the terms of their licences.”
It was also decided that national borders will reopen beginning April 1.
He added that the decision was made based on three basic cores which were science, current facts of COVID-19 and comparing the need for reopening of borders in other countries.
Rosli Mansor
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