PICKids: Final Date for the Administration of First Dose Extended till May 31

By Mei Kuan
The National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme for Children (PICKids) for those aged 5 to 11 has begun officially on February 3.
It is aimed to protect the young ones from severe infection of Covid-19 and reduce the risk of infection at schools among others.
Today, the Ministry of Health announced the extension of the final date for the administration of the first dose till May 31, from the previously-announced date of May 15.
According to the media statement on the official Facebook page of the Ministry, this decision was made in view of the Raya celebration and public holidays which coincided with the final date where the vaccination centres (PPVs) were closed.
However, the final date for the registration and booking of vaccination appointments via the MySejahtera application remained on May 8. Thus:
a) Parents who registered before or on May 8 and chose a vaccination date for before or on May 31 can go ahead with their selected appointments.
b) Parents who registered before or on May 8 but chose a vaccination date for after May 31, the appointments on the MySejahtera will be cancelled automatically.
c) Parents who registered after May 8, no booking link of appointment will be provided on MySejahtera.
Parents under the categories of (b) and (c) can still bring their children for vaccination via walk-in at the health clinics of the Ministry till May 31.
The administration of vaccine at health clinics of the Ministry is subject to the existing vaccine supply at the particular clinic and on a first come basis.
After May 31, children aged 5 to 11 will no longer be offered free vaccination under PICKids. They will have to obtain the vaccine offered with payment at private facilities.
Exceptions are given to children who have to cancel the appointment before or on May 31 due to being infected with Covid-19. Taking into consideration the possibility of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) complications, parents are urged to bring them for vaccination via walk-in at health clinics in the period of 6 weeks after recovery from infection or by August 30.
Do take note that this announcement does not apply to children just reaching the age of 5 on or after May 31. Parents with kids under this category can register and book appointments for the first dose on MySejahtera till 15 January 2023 under PICKids. The final date for the administration of the first dose for this category is 31 January 2023.
Find the full statement here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=374999747995368&id=100064560379224