Menteri Besar of Perak, Dato’ Saarani Mohamad launched the National Month Programme and Perak Darul Ridzuan Wave the Jalur Gemilang 2022 campaign at the Gerik Station, last Friday.
The ceremony began with a war dance performance by members of the 18th Battalion of the Senoi Praaq General Operations Force who were full of patriotic spirit.
It was followed by a show of unarmed combat martial skills by military personnel.
The highlight of the launch ceremony was the handing over of the Jalur Gemilang to representatives of government departments and agencies and affixing the 2022 Independence celebration logo to vehicles.
Like the programme in previous years, it is to fuel the patriotic spirit for Independence Month among the people.
Several programmes have been organised such as the online Independence Talk Programme and ‘Info on Wheels Merdeka’ to increase knowledge in conjunction with National Day.
All activity information can be found through the Facebook page of the Perak State Information Department and the Perak State Government Secretary’s Office.
For more information, visit the website www.perak.gov.my and all digital platforms of the Perak State Information Department.
By Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali