The Simee Home for the Aged honours 3 of its residents during Christmas celebrations

by KT Leong
The Simee Home for the Aged recently held its Annual Christmas Party, where it held a buffet lunch, both to celebrate another year as well as to celebrate the birthdays of three of its residents, Ho Yew Wong, who turned a whopping 95 years, Robert Goh who became 83 years old and the youngest of the trio, Amy Chai, who became 81.
Beginning in 1952 when the late Reverend Fr. Anthony Khaw founded the Catholic Welfare Services (CWS); it went through several phases of management and development over the years.
Now, it is a home that’s opened for all deserving cases, regardless of race and religion. It is a non-profit organisation registered with the Welfare Department and provides shelter for scores of homeless and abandoned elderly folks, who are able to stay there free of charge. Currently, the Home is supporting 42 residents, aged from 66 to 95 years old.
Depending entirely on public donations for covering its expenses, the Home welcomes all visits from the public, subject to official government SOP due to Covid-19 of course.
The Home wishes to thank the public and organisations who have generously supported the Adoption Program which launched in March this year, and would like to invite the public to attend the Family Day Food Fair which will take place on April 15 in 2023, at the Church of Our Mother of Perpetual Help at 1, Jalan Serindik, Ipoh Garden, 31400 Ipoh.
They hope to raise RM 250,000.00 through cash donations and sale of tokens, in order to help cover their annual expenses of around RM500,000.00. All purchased Tokens for the Family Day Food Fair 2020 which was cancelled due to the pandemic of Covid-19 can be used for this coming Food Fair.
The Home sincerely hopes that the public of Ipoh and beyond will support these fundraising activities.
Finally, they would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.