Integrity talks against corruption

By Balqis Jazimah Zahari
To strengthen the integrity value and fight against corruption and any hidden risks or costs related to corrupt activities in the service, the Ipoh City Council (MBI) for the first time held an ‘Integrity Talks Programme’.
The discussion session with the State Housing and Local Government Committee Chairman, Sandrea Ng, took place at Dewan Azlan Shah, 10th Floor, MBI Building here this morning.
The programme was also attended by the City Secretary, Ahmad Munir Ishak, MBI Senior Director and Head of Department and MBI Council Member.
MBI people are always concerned about issues related to corruption and various activities are planned including integrity briefings, lectures on the effects of corruption abuse, publication of printed materials and so on. Among the achievements and efforts that have been and will be implemented to curb corruption in the Council are:
- MBI Organisation Anti-Corruption Plan 2021-2025 which was launched on 2 September 2021;
- Received Bronze in the Integrity, Governance and Anti-Corruption Awards (AIGA) 2022 on January 17, 2023;
- Improving the Council’s image through the recognition of Council Officers’ professionalism through involvement in outside activities or jobs;
- The declaration of public servants’ property continues and is extended to all grades;
- Implementation of the Certified Integrity Officer Program (CEIO) for integrity officers;
- Re-certification of MS ISO 37001: 2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) which is expected to be launched in 2024;
- Continue quality integrity strengthening programmes to continue to guide and apply positive values in public and private state employees.
Ahmad Munir in his speech representing the Mayor of Ipoh stated that MBI will never protect any party involved in corruption.
According to him, any form of leakage of public money caused by corrupt behaviour will be stopped immediately and strict action based on the law will be taken.
“MBI will also not compromise with the perpetrators of corruption and will give full cooperation to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) so that whoever is found guilty should receive a punishment commensurate with his actions.
“Regardless of religion, corrupt activities are very despicable and hated, while from a moral point of view, the act of giving and receiving bribes is a lack of integrity. Individuals who are punished for corruption are not only hated but their families will also be insulted.
”Acts of corruption will also cause the image, perception and trust of the community to be affected by an organisation,” he said.
He said, MBI people are expected to avoid acts of corruption to maintain a good image of themselves, their families and MBI.