Perak police offer a 50% discount on traffic summonses

By: Zaki Saleh
The Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department (JSPT) of the Perak Contingent Police Headquarters is offering a reduction in summons fees of up to 50 percent for selected offences.
This discount offer starts from 15 to 16 February in conjunction with Perak State Government Customer Meeting Day 2023.
The JSPT Perak Contingent informed that the payment of the summons can be done at the JSPT kiosk which will be opened on the grounds of the Indera Mulia Stadium, Ipoh.
“Payment of the summons can be done from 8 am to 5 pm.
“However, suits for these offences are excluded from being given a discount, including accident suits, court trial status suits and Op Selamat offences.
“Also not compounded are suits with current arrest warrant status, exhaust-related suits and truck-related suits,” said the statement.
Accordingly, Perak citizens should not miss this opportunity to have the compound offence reduced.