Bazaar Junior Perak 2023 is Coming Soon

By KT Leong
The Junior Chamber International (JCI) Kinta held a press conference today, to announce the upcoming Bazaar Junior Perak 2023, which will take place on June 10 at Meow Garden Ipoh from 5 pm to 9 pm.
The Bazaar Junior Perak 2023, previously known as School of Hope: Children Flea Market, is an official Perak state programme as of this year. It is an event that will feature 60 stalls, all run by children between the ages of 6 and 12. Of course, their parents and JCI members will be on standby for support.
This event aims to educate children on financial literacy and entrepreneurship by having them develop their own products, interact with customers and solve any problems that may arise. The children are also taught compassion, as a Giving Back Day will be carried out where 10% of children’s booth profit will be donated to designated charities, to mark the end of the programme with a meaningful good deed.
This year’s Bazaar Junior Perak, along with being bigger and having more participants, will also feature more diversity. It aims to help as many categories of children as possible, including those from B40 families, orphans and OKU.
Also present at the press conference was YB Puan Salbiah Mohamed, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga, Kebajikan Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Usahawan cum Perak Exco.
She expressed her firm support of the event and in addition to promoting sponsorship for the event, also said she would do her best to ensure that YAB Dato’ Seri Saarani Bin Mohamed, Menteri Besar Perak Darul Ridzuan will be available as the Guest of Honour of the flea market.
The Bazaar Junior Perak 2023 is now open for registration for children aged 6 to 12. An early bird rate of RM500 will be offered to children who registered in the group of three before 30 April 2023. The registration fee is inclusive of business training, corporate visitation, flea market day stall and t-shirt as well as giving back day.
JCI Kinta is currently looking for sponsors for financial and in-kind support for this project. For any organisation or individual who are keen to contribute to this meaningful project or any parents and children who are interested to participate in this event, please feel free to contact Organising Chairlady, Stephanie Hew (012-505 2926), Little Tauke Customer Relations (011-5419 2275) or JCI Kinta Local President, Tan Teck Yin (010-232 2737). For more information, please visit JCI Kinta Facebook page at