
Disguised Test Purchase Strategy Exposes Conditionally Restricted Sugar Sale Activity in Batu Gajah

By: Aida Aziz

BATU GAJAH: The enforcement team of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN) successfully unveiled a conditionally restricted sugar sale operation through the method of test purchases at a business premises here on Friday.

The Director of KPDN Perak, Datuk Kamalludin Ismail, stated that the undercover operation was initiated following a public complaint regarding the sale of controlled goods, specifically sugar. The complaint outlined a scenario where customers were required to purchase clear white sugar at RM4.50 before being allowed to buy raw sugar at RM2.85.

“On approximately August 25th, around 1:30 in the afternoon, a team of KPDN officials and enforcers from Perak successfully uncovered a case involving the sale of conditionally restricted controlled goods, in this instance, sugar.

“The conducted test purchase confirmed the validity of the reported complaint, and further inspection revealed notices placed inside boxes and hung on display shelves, outlining the terms of purchase,” he conveyed to reporters on Saturday.

Hence a suspected offence was committed under Section 19 of the Control of Supplies Act 1961, related to the sale of conditionally restricted controlled goods by a trader who identified himself as the premise owner, a local male.

As a result, KPDN Perak seized a total of 100 kilograms of raw sugar, 74 kilograms of clear white sugar, and documents associated with a total confiscation value of RM620.85.

He emphasised that the case would be investigated according to the Control of Supplies Act 1961.

“Traders are reminded not to impose any conditions on the purchase of controlled goods, as it constitutes an offence under the Control of Supplies Act 1961. Traders must conduct their business by the established legal requirements,” he added.

Kamalludin further stated that traders are advised to uphold ethical practices and warned that stringent actions will be taken if they fail to comply with the regulations stipulated under the enforced act by KPDN.

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