
Extraordinary Turnout as Over 1,000 People Visit Mini Coffee Festival

By: Rosli Mansor

IPOH – More than 1,000 coffee enthusiasts gathered at the Mini Coffee Festival held in Lorong Seni / Lorong Panglima today.

The enthusiasm of coffee lovers, representing diverse ethnicities, started to fill the eight coffee stalls as early as 10:00 AM.

ExpressOoi Cafe owner, Muhd Azrul Danial Isma Zaidi, 24, expressed surprise at the overwhelming response from the public to the Mini Coffee Festival.

“I did not expect such an enthusiastic response from the public. It shows that coffee drinks are indeed beloved by many. I managed to sell over 100 cups of coffee from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

As we all know, coffee has become an icon of the city of Ipoh. Therefore, this beverage can attract more visitors to relax and shop in Lorong Seni.

I suggest to the Mayor of Ipoh, Dato’ Rumaizi Baharin, to continue the Mini Coffee Festival in the future. It would be even better if this lane is opened to coffee entrepreneurs, given the very encouraging response it has received,” said Azrul Danial, who owns a cafe in Bandar Meru Raya.

A visitor, Shaiful Maizan Adnan, 40, from Simpang Pulai, commended the initiative by the Ipoh City Council (MBI) to organize the Mini Coffee Festival, as it had its own unique appeal in attracting visitors to Lorong Seni.

“Previously, I observed that the public’s response to Lorong Seni was quite low. This was because there were not enough attractions to draw visitors to this place.

If the Mini Coffee Festival continues as a weekly or bi-weekly event, I believe Lorong Seni will become livelier and more vibrant.

Furthermore, next year is Visit Perak 2024, and the world-famous coffee products can certainly attract more visitors to Ipoh, as we all know that Ipoh is known as the Coffee City,” he said.

This inaugural Mini Coffee Festival provided opportunities for eight coffee traders, including Ngopul.Coffee, Moffeecoffeeroaster, Bagi–Rasa, Espressooi, KopiDanBulan, Rell.X.Kopi, Pondok.Kopi.68, and Kopi Klatch.

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