
Title: Subsidized Diesel Smuggling Operation Foiled on Pangkor Island

By: Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali

Pulau Pangkor, – The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDN) Perak, Manjung Branch, through Operation Tiris, successfully dismantled a subsidized diesel smuggling syndicate at the Jetty, Jalan Besar Pangkor, Pulau Pangkor, recently.

The operation, which commenced around 12:30 noon, involved six KPDN Manjung officers, four members of the Marine Police on duty from Patrol Boat PAC24 and the Marine Police Operations Base for Zone 1, Kg. Acheh, Sitiawan.

According to the statement by the Director of KPDN, Kamalludin Ismail, this success is the result of two weeks of meticulous investigation into suspicious subsidized diesel transfer activities between boats.

“The swift raid discovered the movements of two boats suspected of being involved in the sale and purchase of diesel in suspicious quantities.

“During the raid, two local men aged 27 to 71, suspected masterminds, were apprehended. Along with them, 4,600 litres of subsidized diesel were seized, with a total confiscation value reaching RM381,500.00.

“Both suspects were unable to produce any documents related to licenses or permits for diesel handling and are now in the hands of the authorities for further investigation.

The investigation will be conducted under the Control of Supplies Act 1961 and the Control of Supplies Regulations 1974,” he said.

He also urged the public to continue cooperating with the authorities by reporting any suspicious activities through various complaint channels.

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