
Husband and Wife Still Accumulating Garbage!

By: Rosli Mansor Ahmad Razali

IPOH: Do you still remember a house on Jalan Merpati that was filled with piles of garbage?

News about the husband and wife’s build up of household wastes was reported twice in Ipoh Echo/Peraktastic in early September 2023.

Following that news, the Ipoh City Council (MBI) took action to clean up the piles of garbage on September 25, 2023.

Ipoh Echo/Peraktastic recently revisited the house and found that the husband and wife are still engaged in garbage building activities.

The collection of household waste has once again begun to fill up the front space of the house.

To address this issue, it is recommended that the MBI take further action and refer the matter to the State Health Department (JKN) regarding the couple’s habits.

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