
Resolve the Water Disruption Issue in Pangkor Island to Avoid Seasonal Problems

By: Zaki Salleh

PANGKOR: The Perak Water Board (LAP) should have a comprehensive plan for supplying water to Pangkor Island as the issue of water disruption is not new.

Moreover, LAP is also seen as inconsistent regarding short-term and long-term plans to address the issue.

The Chairman of the Pulau Pangkor Hotel and Resort Development Association, Mohd. Zamzuri Suid, said LAP’s proposal to build water tanks on Pangkor Island was not clearly stated.

He said LAP had previously announced plans to build water tanks in Teluk Batik, Teluk Nipah, and existing water treatment plants, but it has not been implemented yet.

“Will all three of these plans be carried out or are they still under review?

“Perhaps building new water tanks can indeed solve the problem, but we are not clear about the status of these plans.

“Has land acquisition been requested for construction? We are still unclear about LAP’s plans regarding the water issue on Pangkor Island,” he said.


He made these remarks during an open discussion session between hotel and chalet operators on the island with the Perak State Executive Councillor for Tourism, Industry, Investment, and Development Corridor, Loh Sze Yee.

Mohd. Zamzuri also questioned what immediate steps LAP has taken because Pangkor Island still receives tourist visits throughout the school holiday season.

“What is the solution to this problem? There are two more upcoming public holidays and about 80 percent of accommodations have already been booked.

“Hotel operators pay water fees according to industry standards. The water problem is also not caused by industry players but due to LAP’s weaknesses in administration and planning,” he said.

A solution to the problem was also voiced by the Chairman of the Perak Malay Small Traders and Hawkers Association, Asmadi Teh.

He said that he, together with LAP officers, conducted inspections at three main water supply tanks on the island to get a true picture of the problem.

“What I see is that the water pressure is quite strong, and one-third of the tanks are filled with water, so there should be no water supply problem.

“So, we want to get clear information about why the disruption occurred and when it can be resolved because we don’t want LAP to say one thing, and the related Exco to say another,” he said.

Previously, the media reported that LAP was in the process of upgrading pump houses and constructing water storage tanks.

This is a long-term measure to ensure the smooth distribution of water supply on Pangkor Island.

The upgrading works are expected to be carried out next April, while the construction project for water storage tanks is in the process of land acquisition.

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