
Youth Must Learn National History in Facing Adversity

By Zaki Salleh
Photo Norhisyam

KAMPAR: It is crucial for today’s younger generation to revisit the country’s history, especially when facing the threat of communist terrorists, even though it has been 35 years since those dark times ended.

The country’s chaotic state during that period hindered many activities, including the provision of proper education.

Retired senior police officer, Deputy Superintendent Kamarudin Hashim, noted that during the communist insurgency, the nation was in turmoil.

He was a former officer of the Special Branch and an elite secret unit of the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the F-Team, which was heavily involved in operations against the communist terrorists.

He stated that only after peace was achieved could the country implement many initiatives, particularly in providing education to the younger generation.

“In this regard, the younger generation needs to understand the history of our homeland because the peace we enjoy today would not have been possible without the spirit of unity,” he said.

He made these remarks during his speech at the National Month and Jalur Gemilang Flying Launch Ceremony 2024 at Kampar National Secondary School here.

Meanwhile, the program coordinator, Nor Hisham Zulkiflee, mentioned that the independence month program was also held in conjunction with the school’s Anti-Drug Week.

The program aims to raise awareness among students about the dangers of drug abuse and other immoral activities.

In addition to patriotic talks, there were also poster drawing and anti-drug coloring contests, as well as a crossword puzzle quiz.

The program was attended by over 500 students and teachers.

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