
Jalan Kuala Kangsar, Tasek Among the Main Congestion Spots in Ipoh

By Aida Aziz

IPOH: The increasing number of vehicles in Ipoh, along with the influx of visitors, has contributed to traffic congestion in several areas.

In addition to the roads near the Ipoh Railway Station and the Medan Kidd Roundabout, previously reported as congestion hotspots, Jalan Kuala Kangsar, Tasek, and Klebang are also frequently mentioned as areas experiencing severe traffic jams.

These extraordinary traffic jams typically occur during the morning and evening rush hours, not to mention during festive seasons and school holidays.

One of the main issues at Jalan Kuala Kangsar is the traffic lights.

Traffic congestion often occurs when drivers in the rightmost lane switch to the left lane as the green light for the straight-through traffic turns on, even though the light for their right turn remains red.

Drivers in the other two lanes sometimes have to give way to these sudden lane changers.

This happens when the leading car is in the correct lane, waiting to turn right or make a U-turn, but some impatient drivers cut across from the right to the left.

This is not a new issue, but it happens frequently and poses a risk of accidents if many drivers follow this behavior.

A survey on Jalan Kuala Kangsar revealed that the road begins to congest from around 7:30 AM when people start heading to work and school.

In the evenings, congestion starts around 5 PM, and it becomes worse on Fridays.

It was observed that the road gets congested when heading towards Tasek and Klebang.

Previously, Ipoh Mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin acknowledged the sudden increase in visitors to Ipoh, especially during weekends.

Many domestic and international tourists choose Ipoh as a holiday destination, drawn by the many attractions here.

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