
Teluk Senangin Beach is Open to Visitors, No Charges Imposed

By: Zaki Salleh

MANJUNG: Visitors enjoying recreational activities at the popular Teluk Senangin Beach here should not be subjected to any fees by any party.

This is because the area is a public recreational beach, open to everyone.

As such, actions can be taken against any unauthorized parties who illegally collect fees from visitors.

Muhammad Faizal Shah Safian Suri, President of the Manjung Municipal Council (MPM), emphasized that Teluk Senangin Beach is public property and should be enjoyed by all without any additional charges.

“I want to clarify that MPM does not impose any fees for visitors who wish to relax, use picnic areas, spread mats, or similar activities.

“If any party imposes charges on the public, a complaint can be lodged with MPM,” he said in a statement.

This statement comes after complaints from visitors who were charged by irresponsible parties during their visit.

There have been instances where unauthorized individuals placed rented chairs under the trees near the beach, disrupting visitors who came for picnics.

Moreover, there have also been frequent verbal disputes between visitors and individuals who falsely claimed fees were required to use the beach.

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