

BY: Andrew SH Ong

Dr. Leong Oon Keong, a Chest Specialist, gave a talk recently on Lung Exercises at 15 Clarke Street. The talk was sponsored by LR YMCA (Lahat Road Young Men’s Christian Association) and donations were collected for The Perak Chest Society.   The event attracted about 30 participants.

Dr. Leong started the ball rolling by giving participants a brief history of Perak state during the 1880 to 1940 era.   According to history, Perak became the tin city of the world under the then-British colonial rule.

It was noted that during this period the Federal Malay States were formed and somewhere in China the formation of the Republic of China was taking place.

Leong Sin Nam, a local tin miner, together with some other prominent “towkays” (rich businessmen) namely Teh Lay Seng, Lee Guan Swee and Au Sheng Kang were instrumental in starting the Nanyang movement in Malaya.   Local Chinese workers working in the booming tin industry contributed greatly to this cause.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the leader of this revolution in China relied heavily on the overseas Chinese (Nanyangs) to fund his work.  Dr. Sun Yat Sen stayed in Penang (Armenian Street) and Taiping (Assam Kumbang) while planning his revolution in China.

For more details of this part of history, Dr Leong Oon Keong invited all participants to sign up as TO BE members under the website: to stay connected.   “We have lots to offer”, says Dr. Leong.

Dr. Leong continued his talk on Lung Exercises, the main topic for that day, through his video presentation.   Graphs, diagrams and pictorials were presented on screen.

Participants were even requested to join in some breathing exercises much to the delight of all as respite for sitting down during this long session.   After the presentation, Dr. Leong invited questions from guests and answers were provided on the spot.

A video of this talk is available on the above-mentioned websites. For further details of upcoming talks on senior wellness, history, going green or a better living lifestyle kindly refer to our FaceBook, websites or announcements.

In appreciation for their attendance, Dr. Leong gave free cuttings of Fig plants from his garden, and another talk on Fig planting is in the pipeline from the doctor.

NOTE: The next talk by Dr. Leong Oon Keong, “Obstructive Apnea (from Snoring to Serious) is on 8 September 2024. Please sign up in the attached registration form if interested.

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