
Nusantara Cultural Festival @Ipoh Features Unique Performances

By Zaki Salleh

IPOH: The Nusantara Cultural Festival @Ipoh returns this year with the same vibrant excitement.

This colorful event kicks off tomorrow at 8:45 PM at the Stadium Indera Mulia, Ipoh.

A total of 10 artistic groups will perform, showcasing their unique talents to the residents of Ipoh.

Among the participants are groups from Indonesia, Thailand, China, and Vietnam, as well as local multi-ethnic artistic groups.

Also performing are the Orang Asli Perak art group, the Kompang and Gamelan Ipoh Club, the Muhibbah Drumming Group, and the Dhoi Bhangra art group.

The diverse cultural performances, including dance and music, promise to captivate audiences.

Local artists will also be featured in the event.

So, don’t wait any longer, come and join the festivities at the Nusantara Cultural Festival @Ipoh!

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