
GTSP Initiative by Petronas Dagangan and PDRM Establishes Safe Community

By: Zaki Salleh

IPOH: A significant step towards creating a safe community has been achieved through the collaboration between Petronas Dagangan Berhad and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM).

The recent launch of the Go To Safety Point (GTSP) was held at the Petronas Petrol Station in Kampung Kepayang, Ipoh.

The program aims to provide a secure location for the public to seek early assistance in emergencies, whether they are crime victims or involved in accidents.

PDRM and GTSP agents each have specific roles and responsibilities to ensure the initiative meets its objectives.

GTSP agents are selected based on criteria such as operating 24 hours, having numerous branches, offering spacious premises, being public focal points, and possessing efficient communication networks.

These locations are also equipped with facilities such as Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) and other security features, as well as professional operators.

The launch ceremony was officiated by Perak Deputy Police Chief, Deputy Commissioner Zulkafli Sariaat. Also present were the Ipoh District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Abang Zainal Abidin Abang Ahmad, representatives from Petronas Dagangan, and Petronas business partners.

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