
Perak Police Chief, MBI, and Media Watch ‘Takluk’ Film to Celebrate Malaysia Day

By Zaki Salleh
Photo MBI

IPOH: The film ‘Takluk: Lahad Datu’ should be watched by the public to understand the incident of foreign militant intrusion in Lahad Datu, Sabah, which occurred 12 years ago.

This is because the film depicts the true story of the security forces’ struggle to defend the nation, even at the cost of their lives.

Perak Police Chief, Datuk Azizi Mat Aris, stated that the film visually portrays the bloody events.

“As we all know, this film production highlights true events so that we can appreciate the sacrifices of our national heroes.

“It also aims to nurture a love for the country among the community, and thus the MBI’s initiative to organize this screening is greatly appreciated,” he said.

He made these remarks after the screening of ‘Takluk: Lahad Datu’ at GSC Ipoh Parade, organized by the Ipoh City Council (MBI) in conjunction with Malaysia Day.

The screening also honored the contributions and sacrifices of national heroes.

Present at the event were Ipoh Mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin and Commander of the 69th Commando, Senior Assistant Commissioner Hamzah Hashim.

The film screening was organized to honor the nation’s fighters in celebration of Independence Month and Malaysia Day 2024.

In addition to MBI staff and the Royal Malaysia Police, media personnel were also present.

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