
Man killed by tiger near workers quarters

By Zaki Salleh
Photo Illustration

GERIK: A man tragically lost his life after being attacked by a tiger in an incident that occurred at a workers’ quarters on Kilometer 79.2 of the East-West Highway near here today.

In the incident at around 8:25 a.m., the 54-year-old victim worked as a heavy machinery operator.

Perak Police Chief, Datuk Azizi Mat Aris stated that the attack was witnessed by the victim’s wife, a Thai national who works as a cook.

According to Azizi, based on the woman’s statement, the victim was said to have been attacked by the tiger while heading to the toilet.

“The incident is believed to have occurred between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m. when the victim was going to the toilet.

“The complainant heard the sound of the tiger roaring, then opened the door and saw a tiger dragging the victim into the bushes,” he said in a statement.

Following the incident, a team led by the Chief of Bersia Police Station, along with three members from the Gerik District Police Headquarters’ Criminal Investigation Division, rushed to the location.

They were joined by 10 staff members from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN) for investigation and search and rescue operations.

Azizi stated that the search led to the discovery of the victim’s body approximately 100 meters from the workers’ quarters at noon.

The victim’s body showed severe injuries to the left leg and neck.

The incident has been classified as a sudden death, and the body has been sent to the Gerik District Hospital’s Forensic Unit for an autopsy.

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