Letter: Importance of Trees

By S.Param
Trees, especially those that thrive in the immediate environment of human habitats are nature’s greatest gift to mankind.
The trees and plants enrich our environment with their positive vibes and help rejuvenate the space by removing the unwanted CO2 and boosting the much needed O2.
Trees are said to possess consciousness and intelligence like other living things in varying degree, only human ignorance assert otherwise. In fact sufficient scientific research indicates that trees and plants possess awareness, sensitivity, memory and the capacity to feel.
Despite all the documented scientific evidence with regards to the benefits of trees and plants to humans and animals, it’s very disturbing and sad to note that in the name of development, hundreds of trees have been felled frequently in our urban settings for one reason or the other.
The felling of scores of healthy green shady trees standing majestically in housing areas and parks by Ipoh City council several months ago reflects the sorry state of affairs -the dire lack of knowledge and ignorance on the issue for caring and protecting our precious urban green.
The social, economic and health benefits of trees and plants in our midst is completely ignored when almost all the old shady trees in Ipoh city were felled.
It’s understandable if the trees were felled for safety reasons but this is not the case. Only after the city folks protested vehemently on the mindless felling and “butchering” of the urban shady trees, did the council back off.
What prompted me to pen this letter is the recent felling of several majestic shady trees on a 400 meter stretch of vacant land bordering an army camp and residential houses in Ipoh Garden East. These trees were not of any danger to the public. They provided a natural green canopy attracting many different species of birds and small creatures. Joggers enjoy this stretch for its green majestic scenery.Sadly all of these are gone.
The heavy machinery used by the contractor practically destroyed the flora and fauna and the natural beauty of this plot of land .It’s been more than three weeks now, but the felled trees and their remains (branches, trunks etc) have yet to be cleared.
This plot of land now appears like a bombed out area, an eye sore for residents and visitors to the housing area. The public is furious for the inconsiderate felling of the many different types of shady trees standing on this unused plot of land.
It’s obvious from these incidents, the lack of knowledge and awareness in the society especially among decision makers with regards to the need to protect and nurture healthy trees and the green in our environment.
Trees and plants are said to be first and foremost fields of intelligent living energy. Each tree or plant species has its own unique mystical vibrational qualities .
According to a famous research scientist Marcel Vogel, trees and plants are said to be living objects, sensitive and able to communicate with humans.
Marcel reiterated that although plants may be blind, deaf and dumb but they are extremely sensitive. He asserted in his scientific studies that trees and plants radiate energy forces that are beneficial to humans.
In view of the many benefits of trees and plants to human and animals the govt and local authorities should view the treacherous destruction of trees and other greens seriously.There is a need to review the policies related to the nurturing and safeguarding of our green esp in the urban settings.
If we ignore and allow the blatant incidents of green destruction to persist it will only undermine the overall health and wellbeing of humans and other creatures in our midst.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in his letter do not necessarily reflect those of Ipoh Echo.