
Volunteers Plant Trees at Buntong Waterfall

By A. Jeyaraj

Volunteers from civil society organisations planted saplings in the Buntong Waterfall area under Program Kekal Hijau @ Stay Green organised by Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM). The programme involved planting trees in nine areas, one of which was Buntong Waterfall.

More than 200 saplings of different trees native to the area were planted. Some of the species planted were Light Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula), White Meranti (Shorea talura) and Keruing Bulu (Dipterocarpus baudi). The trees were tagged with their respective names so that visitors can identify them.

Meor Razak bin Meor Abdul Rahman, the SAM Field Officer who organised the event, informed that the saplings were grown in the nursery in his house and were funded by MBInc.

Although it is currently the rainy season and the plants should grow, nevertheless it is good for someone to occasionally visit the site to see that the saplings are growing and not destroyed by wild animals.

I remember a few years ago when one of the former Mayors planted a tree in Kinta Riverfront Park, and two weeks later when I went to the site I noticed the plant had disappeared. There was no sign that a tree had been planted there. This is quite common when trees are planted for publicity.

This would be a good cause for Residents’ Associations to carry out similar programmes and plant trees, including fruit trees in their housing estates. Our suburbs would look green and pleasing to the eyes.                                                                                                    


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