
Oil Accumulation Leads to Clogged Drain in Laxamana Street

By: Zaki Salleh

IPOH – Irresponsible business activities and the negligent behaviour of a section of the community have been identified as the root causes behind the filth accumulation in the drain along Laxamana Street here.

Thick oil deposits have led to the blockage of the drain, obstructing the flow of water.

The Chief of WHIP of Ipoh City Council (MBI), Wong Kar Keat shared the issue on his social media platform, Facebook.

He recently conducted a field inspection to oversee the cleaning operations of the drain carried out by MBI officials and Puncak Emas Infra Sdn. Bhd. (PEISB).

“After dinner, I visited Laxamana Street to monitor the cleanup efforts by the City Council and PEISB.

“The problem here is no less than that of Ipoh Garden South.

“There’s a substantial layer of oil in the ditch and the drainpipes, and the irresponsible visitors who dispose of their waste improperly have caused a significant blockage,” he stated.

He emphasized that the cleaning personnel had to employ high-pressure water pumps to clear the severely obstructed flow.

Without civic awareness among the community, it will be challenging to establish a clean image for the city of Ipoh.

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