
Perak launches the Palestine Humanitarian Fund

By Aida Aziz
Photo: social media

IPOH: The Perak state government today launched the Palestine Humanitarian Fund with the aim of collecting funds to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people who are victims of Israeli Zionist oppression.

Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Saarani Mohamad said that to start with, the state government, through the Perak State Agricultural Development Corporation (SADC), has allocated RM100,000 to be channeled into the fund.

“This fund is a symbol of Perak people’s solidarity, regardless of race and religion, in supporting the global protest against the injustices committed against the Palestinian people.

“The state government welcomes government departments and agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the public to contribute to this fund,” he said in a statement today

Therefore, he said, contributions can be made through the Bank Islam Bendahari Negeri Perak account number 08013010064660, specifying ‘Tabung Palestin’ in the reference or subject field.

He added that the state government will coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Wisma Putra for the purpose of distributing these contributions to the Palestinian authorities.

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