Transpacific Launched at PORT Ipoh
by KT Leong
High Commissioner Wayne Robson officially launched the literary exhibition “Transpacific – An Asian-Canadian Literary Journey” at PORT Ipoh on Monday amid a room full of literary enthusiasts.
Speaking at the ceremony, the High Commissioner spoke about how highly Canada valued its diversity, but acknowledged its past actions, such as the internment of its Japanese Canadian citizens during World War II, and that they were lessons to be learned from.
The ceremony also included a sharing session by award winning Canadian author, Dr. Lydia Kwa, who spoke about the importance of cultural diversity in shaping the literary scene in Canada. The sharing also included a brief reading from her upcoming speculative fiction novel, much to the delight of those who attended the event. This was then followed up with a questions and answers session.
The exhibition was launched as part of the annual Ipoh International Art Festival and will be available for viewing until December 12, 2023.
Don’t miss your opportunity to experience this unique, one of a kind literary and artistic exhibition which explores universal themes of identity, belonging and inclusion!